Had some batter left over, so I chopped some spring onions and added it to the batter, flavoured it with salt and pepper. and VOILA!! It's totally simple to make, and an utterly delicious munching-snack on rainy days...
Ka's SOP
Ingredients (makes one):
4 tbsp plain flour
half tsp salt
half tsp pepper
half tsp baking powder
6tbsp water
1 handful spring onions, chopped
[1] Mix everything together. Make sure there are no clumps of flour in the batter. Sieve the batter if necessary.
[2] Heat a frying pan on medium and add some oil.
[3] Pour entire batch of batter onto the frying pan and WAIT.... It sizzles, yes, but do not turn it or poke it. Wait for a full minute before checking to see if it's safe to turn.
Once you flip the pancake, drizzle some more oil on the edges to make sure the pancake does not get stuck to the pan. Fry for another minute, and you're done!
Serve cut into wedges. I like to top mine with some mayannoise. Yummy!
wow! i love spring onion pancake too! but i cant tell the difference b/w okonomiyaki and spring onion pancake 0_0?
Rui Min
okonomiyaki is made with plain flour water and cabbage. The vege used is different. okonomiyaki u mix the water flour and chopped cabbage liao put into pan, make a well in the middle then crack one egg. When you flip the egg sure break. Don't worry. Medium-low heat to ensure the cabbage is cooked. (^_^)
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